
As part of an interview challenge for a PM role


I was assigned an Epic to deliver a rebranded version of the Design System. So that implied working on:

  • Updating existing components with new design tokens (e.g., colors, fonts).
  • Ensuring design guidelines reflect the rebrand.
  • Accounting for work across all skill sets: designers, engineers, accessibility (a11y) specialists and others.
  • Delivering the rebranded design system in 2-week sprints with a structured rollout plan.


Corporate has decided to announce our rebrand during this summer. They look for a fresh and up-to-date tone of voice in our brands to address younger generations. So the design system should be updated based on the new brand guidelines by June–July.

Approaching this as 5 initiatives:

  1. Brand Book Assessment
  2. Update Design
  3. Update Code
  4. Update Documentation
  5. Restart Adoption Program
Strategic roadmap

Running those, sometimes in parallel, through 6 stages:

  1. Rebrand Kickoff
  2. Design
  3. Development
  4. Integration and QA
  5. Pilot and Feedback
  6. Rollout and Support

Some examples of the tasks for the team:

Here's the proposal presentation: